How Does Thinning Hair Start?

Does it seem as though suddenly you see a receding hair line, visible scalp and thinner ponytail? Although progressed hair loss is easy to spot, the early signs and symptoms of thinning hair are often concealed. However, keeping a close watch on your locks with a few easy routines can help determine if your hair loss is a temporary blip, or something more serious. Consider the following three early signs of thinning hair:

Excess Hair on Brush

One of the easiest ways to spot hair loss is by keeping a close eye on your daily beauty routine. If you notice that when you brush, more hair accumulates in the bristles leading to frequent cleanings, you might be entering the early stages of androgenic alopecia. Over time, hair loss is likely to become more prominent, especially without early diagnosis and treatment. Keep in mind, however, that diet, hormonal changes and stress can spark brief stints of hair loss that may not require treatment beyond a lifestyle adjustment.

Repetitive Drain Clogs

If you’re a female with long and curly hair, unclogging the drain is practically a rite of passage. But if you notice slow drainage or complete clogging more often than usual, there might cause for concern. Even with temporary or minimal hair loss, installing a drain shield to catch hair before it creates a plumbing problem can help.

Receding Widow’s Peak

Although male pattern baldness can be easily spotted with a receding hair line, a definitive mark does not appear immediately. One of the first spots to go could be your widow’s peak. On the contrary, a more pronounced widow’s peak with hair loss on each side is also a tell-tale sign of androgenic alopecia. Keep this area under close examination if you expect you might be suffering from a hair loss condition. Every hair loss patient is different and signs can vary greatly, particularly across the different categories of hair loss and patient gender. Once these symptoms show progression and begin impacting your overall image and confidence, it’s time for treatment.

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