Why Celebrate Alopecia Month? Addressing the issues!

We need to be more shameless about wanting more hair, period.

The experience of losing hair and wanting to get it back is a global emotional phenomenon, and those with Alopecia Areata are particularly affected on a more severe level.

Hair loss affects (or will affect) MANY of us in our lifetime. Whether it is the pandemic, stress, medication, or environmental factors, finding clumps of hair on your brush has a profound effect on our identity and sense of self-worth.

In September, Alopecia Areata Awareness Month reminds us of that very important and universal fact, and we will continue to celebrate this until there is a cure for this condition.

From TikTok's new trending challenge of counting and collecting shower hairs to the chaos that the COVID lifestyle is destined for most of us, this is an issue on everybody's mind, especially this mid-pandemic year.

It's time to change the conversation about Alopecia Areata… OK, cool, but how do we do that?

The first step is recognizing that hair loss does not discriminate and could signify a few different things, one of them potentially being Alopecia Areata. The "hair loss" phenomenon affects people of all genders, ages, and races. 3This happens for a variety of reasons, some more concerning than others, which is why there is a special month recognizing this very real and very universal condition.

According to data science firm Spate, the average number of Google searches for hair loss was about 829,000 per month in 2020 and early 2021. So we will do our best to clear things up in honor of this important "monthliday."


How much do you invest in weight loss? What about skincare? A scary fact about hair loss is that by the time you notice thinning, over 50% of your hair has already fallen out. The 'skinification' of hair is a trend that's transformed into a trending topic over the last year in beauty. Consumers are now encouraged to be as thorough with their hair and scalp care as they are with their facial care. When it comes to "keeping" your hair, you should be investing just as much monthly finances to your scalp as you do to other aspects of health.

The way to go? Low-level laser therapy (LLLT.) This technology is groundbreaking and is a preventative measure for candidates who are experiencing thinning hair. (NOTE: once the hair follicle is no longer producing hair (baldness), L will not assist in regrowth in those areas.) Of course, you can complement your physician's diagnosis with LLLT, and we have the caps of all levels to address your needs, check them out here.

Learn how you can treat your hair loss with genuine Capillus laser therapy in just 6 minutes a day.


The National Alopecia Areata Foundation is based on the mission of providing support for groups of people suffering from alopecia aerata all over the world. The support groups vary in size, age groups, and missions. Their goal? To provide individuals with alopecia areata, their families, and their friends a place to express their doubts and worries in a comfortable and trusting environment. It is about mental health as well as physical, especially when it comes to sharing their personal experiences through their journey with this challenging disease. Find more information on the pages below:



Capillus laser caps help treat androgenetic Alopecia, are assembled by hand in the USA, and cleared for use by the FDA. With laser hair restoration, you can start taking the first steps towards regaining confidence in your appearance.

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