Thanks to the increase in hormones during your pregnancy your hair was probably just like those hair models on TV – lush, shinning, and healthy. One expectant woman I knew visited her hairdresser every four weeks, because her hair was growing two inches a month. After she gave birth, this same mom watched in horror has her hair fell out in clumps. Sound familiar?
Postpartum hair loss
A non-pregnant woman will typically lose roughly 50 to 100 hairs throughout the day. If this sounds like a lot of hair, it’s not. A full head of hair has roughly 100,000 hairs on it. While pregnant you may not have noticed any hair falling out. That’s because during pregnancy your hormone levels increased substantially. It’s the increase of hormones that helps keep your hair from naturally falling out. Following delivery your hormone levels will begin to return to normal. As this happens you’ll likely notice an increase in the amount of hair loss you experience. Expect this ‘postpartum hair loss’ to occur between three and six months after you’ve given birth. According to the American Academy of Dermatologypostpartum hair loss will usually peak about four months after delivery.
What causes postpartum hair loss?
Experiencing thinning hair after giving birth is completely normal. Postpartum hair loss is caused by falling estrogen levels. The good news, this hair loss is temporary. Expect normal hair regrowth to resume by the time your child reaches his/her first birthday. Some women may see the return to normal fullness even earlier.
Caring for your hair after delivery
Here are a few tips to help reduce dramatic hair loss following delivery:
- Avoid anything which can pull and stress your hair.
- Eat a healthy diet. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, which contain flavonoids and antioxidants, may help encourage hair growth.
- Use gentle shampoos and conditioners.
- Hair is more fragile when it’s wet. Avoid combing your hair with a fine tooth comb.
- When using a blow dryer or other styling tools try to use the coolest setting.
- Should you have concerns about the amount of hair you’re losing, talk to your health care provider to ensure proper balance of your hormone levels.
When to seek hair loss treatment
For women, hair loss can be triggered by anything that involves a change in the estrogen hormone balance in your system. If your hair does not regain its normal fullness after one year, and you start to notice other symptoms, talk with your medical provider. What to Expect advises that prolonged hair loss after delivery may be the result something else, such as postpartum thyroiditis. People lose hair for many reasons, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for effective and timely treatment. To learn about hair loss treatment for women and regrowth options or to locate a Capillus specialist in your area click here or call Capillus for more information at (786) 888 6249 or Toll-Free at 1 (888) 272-9599.