
Hair Loss + Pregnancy: Millennial Moms, This One Is For You.

Hair Loss + Pregnancy: Millennial Moms, This One Is For You.

That's RIGHT millennial ladies; we are getting… wise, maternal, and beautiful.

Whether it's you that'll be rocking that baby bump or your friends, it's time we learn about solutions to problems that come with "adulting." Life is full of moments where thinning takes a toll on your volume, and Capillus is here to support your hair growth no matter the reason, even if it is a beautiful baby!

With significant life changes come MASSIVE adjustments. When a lil' human was cooking in the oven for nine months, the period afterward is all about assimilating to changes, especially when it comes to postpartum hair loss. Recently, celebrities have been speaking out on the surprise of postpartum hair loss, and because of this dialogue, we want to help new mommies use our technology to assist them through this time.

The word for this scenario is "NORMAL," but that doesn't make it any less alarming and upsetting. This is usually a temporary situation that results from hormonal rebalancing, which means things should return to normalcy in the following months. Loss should not be leaving patches or falling out in clumps. If this is the case for you, it is recommended to visit a physician about an underlying condition.

Laugh at yourself!


"Four months postpartum, my whole hairline fell out, and now I have a bunch of cowlicks from all the baby hair growing in," supermodel Ashley Graham told the New York Times in October, after giving birth to her first son. "It can be so heartbreaking when you're looking at your child, and he's so healthy and adorable, and then you look at yourself, and you're, like, what is happening to me? These are things women go through!"

This is where our Capillus caps come into the equation.

Low-Light Laser Therapy can be a crucial element for your hair regrowth story. The tech can help you treat your follicles in a seamless, 6-minute treatment that you can do in your pajamas at home while feeding the baby or simply taking a moment to breathe between naps.

New Jersey-born Afro-Cuban actress, singer, and songwriter, Cristina Milian noticed shedding three to six months after giving birth. An experience that caught her completely off-guard, which is one of the many reasons women are sharing their experiences more publicly.

Unexpected Surprises


"I wasn't expecting it when it happened because nobody ever told me about this," she told HOLA! USA. "I was in the shower. I remember the day because I went from having full, beautiful, long hair to looking at my hair going through the drain."

Let's Talk About It.


"This is so not glamorous, but it's true: I need to take longer showers so that I can collect the hair that falls out and throw it away, so I don't clog the drain. Why do actresses never talk about that?" she tells PEOPLE with a laugh before the Nov. 12 launch party for Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Mini for Target collaboration. "It just started falling out at the three-month mark," laments actress Selma Blair on her experience. "And I'm not a girl who likes extensions, so Selma's going to be bald!"

Another celeb that shared the emotional toll of postpartum shedding is Jamie Notis in her lengthy post below.

As Notis says to moms everywhere, body positivity & body acceptance is not a "flip the switch, and it's turned on" kinda thing. It's an ongoing personal journey. Here at Capillus, we want to be a part of that journey with all millennial mommies.

Postpartum Hair Loss
& Depression

"Here I am completely raw & bare— & balding. 👀 I have no makeup, no filter & you can totally see my BALD spots. I have so much hair loss. 😱Postpartum has rocked me to my core, affecting me physically, mentally, & emotionally. BUT, every day, I am working towards healing my whole body from the inside out. 🙏🏻💗 I feel like I'm a different person than I was before I had my son. I've had days where I've been bed-ridden, too depressed to get up…. She goes on to say, "today I feel good! I'm not letting the hair loss get to me. I'm embracing my freckles & blemishes. Tomorrow, who knows! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣"


• Patience is KEY!

First thing first, treat your inner child the same way you treat your new baby boy, with tenderness and care. This is a temporary situation that you can embrace along with all of the mothers who have given birth.

• Use protective hairstyles!

The key here is keeping the hair that you can, which means minimal chemical processes, hot tool use, and hairstyles that do not "pull" excessively on the scalp. This is KEY in the months before pregnancy and, of course, the months after delivery. Embrace your natural texture, headscarves, and air drying to minimize postpartum shedding.

• Supplement to nurture growth.

We're talking tech and supplements. The combination of attacking this phenomenon from within and from the outside in can only help you through this. Of course, there is always the option of being patient and letting your hair growth cycle run its course naturally, but when the world offers you solutions, you might as well do as much as you can to encourage regrowth. From hair gummies to proper hair growth supplements, the possibilities on the market are endless.

Hair loss and thinning happens in waves and for many reasons. Postpartum pregnancy is one of the rights of passage to motherhood, but stress, diet, medication, and other factors may cause you to thin in the future. This is why we encourage new moms to get a Capillus cap for that extra stimulus on the hair follicle. We can help you through postpartum loss, but also through the other stressful moments that may cause you to shed, even genetics!!

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