Capillus vs. LaserCap

Capillus vs. LaserCap

Hair loss sufferers have a tough choice – try hit-or-miss remedies or get transplants. But FDA-cleared laser caps bring science and safety to regrowth. Their proven low-level laser therapy revives thinning hair non-invasively without drugs or surgery.

Recently, we've been comparing our laser caps to other top brands, though not in an our's is better than theirs sort of way. Our goal is to explore similarities and differences between quality laser hair growth devices. You can then make up your mind about which laser caps for hair growth suits your hair growth goals.

In this latest laser cap showdown, we'll compare Capillus vs. LaserCap. Read on for an in-depth but friendly assessment of two of the best brands on the market.

How Low-Level Laser Therapy Works and Why It's Effective

Before comparing laser hair growth systems, we'd suggest it's a good idea to at least have a basic understanding of the core technology that makes them effective. Let's spend a few minutes getting to grips with the science and benefits behind low-level laser therapy.

Low-level lasers work by emitting light that penetrates the scalp without heat or pain and stimulates hair follicles. The light energizes weakened follicles on a cellular level, improving function and blood flow. This spurs dormant follicles into an active growth phase.

Low-level lasers can improve hair density and growth rate in both men and women suffering from androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness. While low-level laser therapy cannot revive dead follicles, it can strengthen and revitalize partially diminished ones.

The biggest benefit of low-level lasers is that you get drug-free hair regrowth with lasting results. The treatment is non-invasive and safe when FDA-cleared devices are used as directed. Now that we understand the technology let's see how Capillus and LaserCap incorporate it into their laser hair systems.

Capillus and LaserCap Device Options

Capillus Laser Caps

We offer an industry-leading 9 low-level laser therapy options. The more choices they have, the more our customers can find the best laser cap to fit their needs and budget.

At the high end, we offer the CapillusPro S1 featuring 304 laser diodes to deliver maximum hair regrowth potential. At the lower end is the most affordable option, the CapillusOne, with 112 diodes. In between, we have a broad selection of devices- you can compare our complete laser cap collection here.

For those with localized thinning or receding areas, Capillus also provides targeted laser caps. The Capillus Focal series (all offering 84 Laser Diodes) concentrates light on specific zones like the temples, frontal medial region, or crown. By focusing on hair loss hotspots, these caps pinpoint intense laser power where you need it most.

In all models, Capillus uses an ergonomic baseball cap design for comfort and subtlety. The low-profile style allows conveniently wearing the caps during everyday activities without drawing attention. The lightweight fabric and adjustable fit of the laser caps make them easy to integrate into your routine at home, work, or when out and about.

LaserCap Devices

The LaserCap brand offers customers three low-level laser therapy options depending on their needs. For those in the early stages of hair loss, the LaserCap SD provides a gentle 80 diodes of light energy to target thinning and jumpstart regrowth.

Stepping up, the LaserCap HD includes 224 laser diodes to deliver more intense photonic stimulation for moderate to advanced thinning. At the top end, the LaserCap HD+ packs 304 diodes for maximum coverage across the scalp, making it LaserCap's most powerful hair growth option.

Like Capillus, the LaserCap device has an inconspicuous baseball cap design. This stealthy, low-profile look allows unassuming wear during daily activities. Its low-key sporty style means laser therapy can be part of your routine virtually anywhere.

Treatment Time

With our laser caps, we've always had bragging rights about the short but highly effective treatment times. A Capillus therapy session takes just 6 minutes once daily, which is extremely easy to fit into your routine. Wear your laser cap while making breakfast, on your daily commute, or catching up on social media. The automatic timer will also switch off once your treatment has ended, so one less thing to think about.

LaserCap recommends 30 minutes every other day, so it requires a bit more commitment. But at least the sporty, low-profile design allows for it to be worn pretty much anywhere without standing out from the crowd.

But consistency is needed if you expect results from either system. Skipping too many treatments can render therapy unproductive.

Consider which treatment duration you can realistically commit to long-term. Our Capillus caps make it easy with quick 6-minute protocols.

LaserCap expects more dedication with half-hour every-other-day sessions. But sticking to the schedule recommended for your chosen system is how you'll combat hair loss.

Customer Service

Both Capillus and LaserCap back their products with responsive customer service teams to provide guidance and support.  Their experts are available to answer questions, troubleshoot any issues, and make sure you get the most out of your laser hair cap.

Clinical Studies, Testimonials, and FDA Clearance

Capillus and LaserCap have garnered positive testimonials and reviews for their hair growth results, as shown on both websites.

But more importantly, both laser treatment systems have secured FDA clearance for safety and proven effectiveness. This rigorous process verifies the technology works as claimed and meets strict protocols for consumer use.

Capillus’ clinical trials demonstrated over 50% increased hair counts after consistent use. Though LaserCap’s studies have not been disclosed, the FDA clearance proves their devices also effectively promote hair growth when used properly.

To Wrap Up

In closing, both LaserCap and Capillus offer high-quality FDA-cleared laser hair growth systems proven to safely and effectively regrow hair. These brands were early pioneers in bringing laser technology for at-home use to the mainstream market and have continued to lead the way with their innovative, high-quality products.

As an alternative to medicines, oils, and invasive procedures, these laser caps provide drug-free hair restoration backed by science. Users of both LaserCap and Capillus laser systems have documented visible, lasting results. So, if you want to revive thinning hair, you have two reputable options for jumpstarting regrowth.

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