Everything You Need to Know About Androgenic Alopecia
If you’ve been suffering from hair loss, you may potentially be looking for hair regrowth options available on the market. But, before you start any form of treatment, you need to id...
Preventing Hair Loss With Proper Hair Care
Preventing Hair Loss With Proper Hair Care We mentioned last time that hair loss is not uncommon and that by the age of 40, two-thirds of men and 40 percent of women have some n...
Normal hair growth in the hair follicle has a cycle, and hairs go through different stages. The hairs go through an anagen or growing phase followed by a catagen or transition phase then a tel...
Hair Loss in Women vs. Men: Key Similarities and Differences
In general, we tend to think of balding as a man’s problem. After all, men lose their hair earlier, in greater numbers, and in a more dramatic fashion than women do. But, in fact, ha...
How Does Hair Loss Occur in Androgenetic Alopecia?
Androgenetic alopecia is that common form of hair loss that is generally part of the aging process. In men, it’s called male-pattern hair loss... It’s caused by several genetic and environment...
How Does Androgenetic Alopecia Differ for Men and Women?
Androgenetic alopecia affects both men and women. An estimated 50 million men and 30 million women suffer from it in the US. Although it affects both men and women, it is somewhat different fo...