An estimated 20 to 30 million women suffer from hair loss in the United States. Since it occurs diffusely, women’s hair loss is much harder to detect and often goes untreated until it’s more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to reverse.
What Causes Women’s Hair Loss?
There are a few reasons why women might lose their hair. Normally, a person sheds anywhere from 50 to 100 strands per day. Genetics, stress, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, chemical processing, and traction alopecia are all common causes of women’s hair loss. The most common cause of women’s hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, an inherited condition that might result in noticeable thinning toward the back, frontal area, and front hairlines. According to the Ludwig Classification, there are five degrees of women’s hair loss. The first, Type I, is relatively mild but can become progressively worse. Type V is the worst classification of hair loss, resulting in almost complete baldness on the entire top of the head.
How is Women’s Hair Loss Different from Male Pattern Baldness?
Women’s hair loss differs from male pattern baldness because it happens all over the scalp instead of specific, targeted areas. Men often experience hair loss around the crown or temples of their scalps, while women might suffer hair loss around the entire top of the head.
What Can Women Do to Regrow Hair?
Maintaining a balanced diet is pertinent to a healthy appearance. Just as it does for your skin and nails, plenty of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals help keep hair strong and shiny. Specifically, Vitamin C, Biotin, Niacin, Iron, and Zinc are supplements to keep on hand and take regularly if you’ve noticed excess shedding. Since stress is another of the top causes of hair loss in women, it’s important to keep a healthy mindset, even when agitating issues arise. Regularly practicing meditation and yoga can help set your emotions at ease, so when conflict occurs, you can approach the situation in the most mindful way possible. Not only is staying calm good for your appearance, it’s important for your mental wellbeing, personal relationships, and overall happiness. If you’ve never practiced yoga and are nervous to start, try at home videos to get acclimated with beginner positions. Then, try attending a class with a friend or significant other so you’re more open minded and willing to push yourself and really try out the different positions. It’s understandable that your self-confidence is already somewhat diminished due to your hair loss – you should be able to exercise without concern or self-consciousness, and having a workout partner is the best way to minimize nervousness. Talk to a hair loss professional about low-level laser therapy. In terms of hair loss treatments, Capillus is one of the most discreet, easy-to-use devices. You can put it under your favorite baseball cap or sun hat and continue about your day without worry. If you’re already wearing hats to cover diffuse hair loss, you can conceal and treat at the same time with the Capillus272. The lasers are safe and designed to revitalize tired, dysfunctional hair follicles so they can grow new, healthy hair. Capillus laser caps work best on women suffering from stage I-II of Ludwig’s Classification. Women suffering from more advanced, targeted hair loss could be candidates for transplant therapy. Even if you’re undergoing other hair loss treatment, such as natural-looking transplants, the Capillus272 Pro can supplement and add dynamism to the fight against hair loss.
Contact Capillus® today to learn more about LLLT and to connect with a hair loss physician. Complete our hair loss evaluation form online or contact us at 1-786-888-6249 if you would like a personalized evaluation to determine your best steps in the hair restoration process.