Is Stress the Cause of Your Hair Loss?
Losing your job. Getting married. Going through a very messy divorce. Being diagnosis with a serious health concern. What do all these have in common? They all can elevate your stres...
Best Minimally Invasive Hair Loss Treatments
When it comes to treating hair loss, what does it mean to be minimally invasive? According to the American Institute for Minimally Invasive Survery (AIMIS), minimally invasive procedures a...
Seasonal Hair Treatments for Healthier Hair
Your hair goes through seasonal changes during the year not unlike the changes happening in your garden outside. So, here are some of our recommendations for taking care of your hair this fall...
The 3 Most Common Hair Loss Myths, Exposed
Despite being such a common condition for both men and women across the globe, hair loss myths continue to circulate the internet and impact treatment decisions. Approximately 35 million men a...
4 Cold Weather Hair Care Tips to Consider this Winter
If you suffer from dry, brittle, or frizzy hair when the temperatures drop, cold weather hair tips can help. While hot and humid air presents its own set of problems, colder temperatures ...
How to Combat Dry Scalp in Winter
Winter is synonymous with lots of lovely things: hot chocolate, a white Christmas, and gingerbread houses. Unfortunately, winter is also associated with a few not quite so lovely things, like ...