Health & Wellness

Daily Hair Washing: Is it Good for Your Hair?

Americans focus a lot on cleanliness. For many men and women this means showering every day. But is it necessary to wash your hair as often as you wash your body? The answer: it depends. Although our shampoo bottles may tell us we should wash our hair daily, daily washing may actually be more damaging to hair.

Common Hair Misconception

Generally speaking, your hair is a fiber composed of a tough protein called keratin. Each follicle of hair is surrounded by helpful, natural oil-producing glands. Sulfates found in many shampoos can dehydrate hair stripping it of the sebrum oil. The result is increased breakage which can give you the appearance of thinning hair. Many people feel that if they don’t wash their hair daily it will get greasy, especially after exercise or being outdoors. This is a common misconception. When your hair is stripped of beneficial oil, the oil glands compensate by producing more oil. Once you reduce how often you wash your hair, the oil glands will adjust and slow their production of oil.

Shampoo is Big Business

Companies that produce shampoos spend a lot of money on advertising campaigns designed to convince Americans that daily hair washing is necessary. How did this idea begin? Some say it all started with a 1908 New York Times article advising women that it was OK to wash their hair every two weeks, (when it was common for people to wash their hair every month to six weeks). It wasn’t until television that marketers starting using models to tell women their hair could look better if they shampooed more often.

Daily Shampooing is Not Necessary

Many dermatologists recommend washing your hair no more than two to three per week, which is more in line with European countries like Italy and Spain. How often you wash your hair also depends on your hair type. For example, African-Americans, and those with curly or thick hair may find their hair does better with less frequent shampooing than those individuals with fine or straight hair. Celebrity hair stylist Ted Gibson recommends using a dry shampoo to freshen up your locks between washes.

Finding Answers

Losing your hair is emotionally difficult, especially for women. Talking to a hair specialist can help determine which is the best hair loss treatment for women and men. As with most medical conditions, early diagnosis can be key. To learn more about hair loss and regrowth treatment options or to consult with a Capillus specialist in your area click here or call Capillus for more information at (786) 888 6249 or Toll-Free at 1 (888) 272-9599.

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