
Hair Regrowth Treatment: Do Topical Creams Really Work?

  Health & Wellness
Men, and women, have been searching for effective, if not quick, treatments to hide their balding and thinning hair since 1550 B.C. According to,“the ancient Egyptians, ‘suffering from hair loss’ recommended treatments such as using a mixture of fats from a hippopotamus, crocodile, tomcat, snake and ibex; porcupine hair boiled in water and applied to the scalp for four days; and the leg...

Using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to Treat Hair Loss

  Health & Wellness
Hair loss research and solutions continually evolve, bringing new products and treatments for patients around the globe. Some treatments are targeted at a specific type of hair loss, typically associated with biological sex. For instance, Propecia is intended to treat male-pattern baldness and can be dangerous for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant. Fortunately, the most innovative treatments with impressive results...

Will a Laser Cap Fix Your Receding Hairline?

  Capillus Red Light Treatment Topics for Him
A receding hairline is often the first visible sign that hair loss has started. Both men and women may experience thinning along the front and sides of the scalp, both of which are highly visible regions that play a big role in framing facial features and personal expressions. Topical foams, prescription medications, hair transplant surgery, and laser hair restoration are all options that patients...

Involutional Alopecia Vs. Androgenic Alopecia

Involutional Alopecia Involutional alopecia is the thinning of your hair as part of the natural aging process. This type of alopecia occurs when your hair’s growth (anagen) phase is shortened, and the hair spends more times in the resting (telogen) or shedding (catagen) phases. For more information about hair physiology, please see our other article. For young people, about 90 percent of your hair...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Minoxidil But Were Afraid to Ask

  Capillus Red Light Treatment
What is Minoxidil? Minoxidil is the generic name of an anti-hypertensive vasodilator--minoxidil dilates blood vessels. The oral medication was originally approved by the FDA for the treatment of high blood pressure in 1979. Purely by accident, physicians noticed that patients taking the drug for high blood pressure were growing lots of new hair. The rest is history. In 1988, the FDA finally approved the...

10 Common Hair Loss Myths Debunked

  hair loss Health & Wellness
Despite the fact that pattern baldness, medically termed as androgenetic alopecia, is one of the most common conditions out there for hair loss, it’s still shrouded in much mystery, mythology, and plain-old misinformation. The fact is that, until recently, people knew very little about why we go bald and even less about how to regrow hair, leaving us guessing and speculating about why our...

Laser Hair Treatment Side Effects

Hair loss is a pervasive problem in America and around the world, transcending both age and gender. It is a recognized medical condition, with side effects that include anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. Hair loss is known to cause significant harm to personal and professional life, undermining successful relationships by shattering one’s confidence and self image. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to...

Alopecia Universalis

There are several different types of alopecia with different names and different causes. Alopecia areata is the best known—it’s like an inexplicable spot baldness anywhere on the body, but often on the head. Alopecia areata affects about 2% of the population in the United States. A rarer form of alopecia is alopecia universalis, which in Europe affects about one person in 4000 or 0.025%...