
Introducing the Capillus Hair Supplement (Cynatine) and DHT Blocker Supplements.

  Capillus Red Light Treatment
  There are plenty of options when searching for hair loss treatments. Treatments can range from laser devices that stimulate your hair follicles, to the topic of today’s blog - oral supplements.   Introducing the Capillus Hair Supplement (Cynatine) and DHT Blocker supplements – a duo built to take-on alopecia.   Boost your confidence within, with oral supplements that take on hair loss.  ...

Does Castor Oil Help Hair Growth?

  Health & Wellness
Research into the different kinds of products you can use for your hair can always be tough. Sometimes, it may just be best to look to what Mother Nature has to offer. A lot of the natural remedies like essential oils and herbal teas can be beneficial in the overall health of your scalp and hair. For this blog, we’ll be going over an...

Minoxidil - Real and Effective Hair Regrowth

  Capillus Physician Spotlight
To this day, only two FDA-approved medications have been developed to tackle hair loss - minoxidil and finasteride. For today, we’ll be talking about minoxidil. Minoxidil’s effectiveness is astounding, especially when fighting androgenetic alopecia. However, we do need to come clean about something: the exact way that minoxidil is able to fight pattern hair loss is not that well understood. It’s a science that...

Can Breast Cancer Cause Hair Loss?

  alopecia Health & Wellness
What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is the unregulated growth of cells in your breasts. The breast is composed of three different parts: the lobules, ducts, and connective tissue. According to the CDC, the kind of breast cancer you get is determined by where in those three parts of the breast become cancerous. The two most common forms of breast cancer are invasive ductal...

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

  hair loss Health & Wellness
Introduction The body is an incredibly complex machine, and many systems are running simultaneously in order to make sure you can function properly everyday. Diabetes seeks to disrupt this balance by affecting the way the systems in your body acquire energy from food.1 Some of those systems include the production of new hair. So can diabetes cause hair loss? In short, yes. The destructive...

Is Coconut Oil Good For Hair Growth?

  Health & Wellness
Introduction Coconut oil can be used for a variety of different applications. From cooking to hair care, it’s versatility has proven to be useful in many people’s lives. Extracted from coconuts, the oil has a sweet taste and distinctive aroma which can be found in countless cuisines around the world. For the purposes of this blog, we’ll be going over its use in helping...