
Capillus Hair Supplement - All You Need To Know

  In the ever-going pursuit against hair loss, Capillus has been at the forefront – offering treatment options for the overall wellness of hair. We aim to help stop hair loss with thoughtful science and innovative technologies.       Like in Capillus Hair Supplement. Capillus Hair Supplement is our daily supplement formulated with ingredients to help your body grow hair, including an absorbable...

Scalp Biopsies, Stigmas & Doubts Debunked

  Health & Wellness
Scalp Biopsies, Stigmas & Doubts Debunked Hair loss can come with a few uncomfortable moments, starting with having someone examine your scalp at a microscopic level. I don't think many more things get as personal as someone seeing your follicles at a microscopic level! If you happen to be googling the term "scalp biopsies," then chances are you may be having one sometime soon,...

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency: 4 Tips For Healthy Hair Regrowth

  Health & Wellness
By implementing healthy habits into your hair routine, you must have a genuinely consistent AND INTENTIONAL approach to nurturing your scalp as well as your hair. Hair journeys do not usually happen in a day; incredible before & after transformations are similar. It takes months to grow out a bob and various services (and hundreds of dollars) to become a platinum blonde or remove...

A Guide: Types Of Alopecia & Which One Affects You?

  hair loss Health & Wellness Topics for Her Topics for Him
This month we are talking alopecia in all its splendor. Until quite recently, not even the most attractive, rich, or famous could "get away" from a bald and beautiful fate. Thanks to the exponential improvement of LLLT, medication, and surgery, there are preventative solutions that, when carefully assessed and practiced, can have impressive and "braggable" results for those who are starting to notice some...

Is Magnesium Good for Hair Growth?

  Health & Wellness
When researching hair care, it's common to read about the medications, shampoos, conditioners and even devices like Capillus that can help your hair and scalp stay healthy. What hardly gets recognition are the minerals and vitamins that work just as hard to keep your hair looking great. In today's blog, we'll be discussing how magnesium can be used to not just improve scalp health,...

Can The Covid Vaccine Cause Hair Loss?

  Health & Wellness
If there is anything that these past couple years have taught us, it's that life will always be this unpredictable force whose bidding we'll never be able to avoid. Even planning with the utmost care doesn’t guarantee that it will happen. COVID altered the course for all of our lives. For those of you that took precautions and obtained the COVID vaccine, you may...